The client got in touch with me to design the promotional flyer for their year anniversary event. He sent me all of the information and told me that it had to be A5 and double sided.
I jotted down a few ideas and pitched them to him and he really liked my idea about making the flyer an illustration of a cake as it's theme was 1st Birthday.
After that I got sketching.
After I sent him the above proof he said he liked where it was going so I drew it out again but with more detail.
After proofing him again he said it was perfect and he was looking forward to seeing it develop. I took a satellite photo of the drawing and then used the pen tool on illustrator to perfect it all.
He was really happy with the results so I went on to add colour, final details and then the logos.

The other side was very simple and just required a fixed grid to keep everything in line, the client was very happy with this after a few amendments and the detail of the crumbs over the writing.
I charged him £70.00 through paypal and then sent him print & web files.
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