The project was described to me as:
E:vence is a fully customizable, paperless, flyering system developed for music lovers and events promoters alike. Packed full of features it will cost events promoters a fraction of the price of conventional flyers to have the same target reach without having a negative affect on the environment. With easily reachable figures of 40,000 students in Manchester alone, E:vence promises to be the buzz app everyone is talking about in 2015.
I was quite interested by the concept and ask more on the matter to find that the target audience were 18-24 year olds and predominantly students in city environments. The only style guides he said was he wanted it to be purple but was flexible with what tone/shade.
I got to work and produced a series of three quick identity bases to see what direction we were going in. I told him these were the ones but was fully aware there would be alterations and such, this was my way of quickly getting to the point better.
I chose a darker shade of purple to work with an energising feel and be consistent across both print and web. These can be used in any tint.
Once I sent him the PDF, he was really really happy and said he loved the first option but would make some small amendments. He told me that he'd be in touch after discussing it with his partners.
The conclusion ended on exactly what he has said before. He asked if he could see what it looked like with the E in a speech bubble or a circle, he said it was more app like.
We both agreed that the speech bubble looked tacky as hell but there still wasn't something quite right, I put it down to the fact that the E was so straight and angular that the contrast was too much in such a round shape, I suggested trying a lowercase e as it is a much more rounded form.
This ended up being exactly what they wanted and needed and told me it was done. I prepared the files for print and web, accepted payment and sent over the files.
I personally wasn't very keen on the outcome at all however it was very directional and they were very confident with what the liked and wanted, and for delivering that, I am happy.
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