- Interesting packaging ideas.
- I like the idea of smaller, separate books to create pack.
- Consider the width of the product.
- Colour schemes?
- Double gradient?
- Why wood?
- Will you be stitching yourself?
- What illustration style will be used?
- Eco materials used within the product encourage the idea of organic/hand rendered illustrations.
- Your examples of print could link together as a set.
- Who is it for?
- Where will it be distributed/how will people get it?
- Books on different stocks?
- If your audience is younger people who are less wealthy - stay away from more expensive print processes. Find cheaper alternatives?
- Wooden container idea is sick.
- I hope you don't cover too much to handle.
- I understand the wood, I just think it might be a bit awkward to unpack and pack again.
- Make sure to have enough content, otherwise it'll just be two planks of wood.
- It's a reference book, does it consider where you can do the stuff it talks about?
- Pack - Small books of each subject - Good way to easily access information.
- Is there a separate book for each process? Digital printed?
- Who is the audience? And where would this be used?
- Tone of voice?
- May need a contents page or something to show which book is which.
- Lots of books, bound by two pieces of wood a laggy-band. Too much work?
- You want to do a lot of stuff, I feel like it might be overwhelming in the month we have to create it.
- I feel, after looking at your design context blog, that you could really benefit from some more idea development.
- Your concept seems to have come from someone else's idea - almost identically.
I then highlighted the main points I got from everyone's feedback and will now answer them for my own development.
- Consider the width of the product.
The width of my publications would be 148mm as it would be A5. I am yet to work out if the wooden panels should be the same size or a bit bigger.
- Colour schemes?
I think a good idea from the feedback conversation was to make each book have it's own colour to define it, this would identify them better.
- Why wood?
After seeing someone else's work using a similar concept, the idea of using wood in a publication format fascinated me and I wanted to test how far it could go in a usable format.
- What illustration style will be used?
Eco materials used within the product encourage the idea of organic/hand rendered illustrations.
- Who is it for?
This project is aimed at students who would be new to print processes as this would work as a directory of each process brought together in one pack.
- Where will it be distributed/how will people get it?
I thought as it would be aimed at students new to print, first years of courses which use print would be encouraged to purchase the book from either a shop or an online directory to use throughout their studies and practice for reference.
- If your audience is younger people who are less wealthy - stay away from more expensive print processes. Find cheaper alternatives?
This was a good idea, if there are cheaper alternatives of some kind of printing medium this would be good to investigate and include in the information to be more economically friendly.
- I understand the wood, I just think it might be a bit awkward to unpack and pack again.
This was a good point made, I think I am going to develop the idea of the wooden part to make it more usable and less awkward to pack and unpack.
- Tone of voice?
I would like the tone of voice of this project to come by as an easy going, informative but with a light hearted sense of humour to it too to make it more engaging with younger people.
- May need a contents page or something to show which book is which.
This was a good idea mentioned, maybe I could put a contents list on the back of the pack or something.
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